Montana Farm & Ranch Brokers winter social | Montana Land Source
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Montana Farm & Ranch Brokers winter social

Upcoming Event(s): 
Wednesday, December 3, 2025 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Montana Farm & Ranch Brokers Association

Periodically, the Montana Farm & Ranch Brokers meet to network, hear presentations on topics relative to the rural Montana land market, and to share their new listings as well as to discuss properties they are looking for on behalf of buyers.  The group is made up of land brokers, agents, and other rural real estate professionals.  Non-members are welcome to attend.


Meeting Topic: Winter Social.

Meeting Location: TBD


Join the Montana Farm & Ranch Brokers Association

Our membership dues are only $35 per year, with the fees going to supporting the costs of the organization.

Download a Membership Sign-Up Form.


For more information:  contact any of our officers: