Episode #14 - Ranch Inverstors Podcast released | Montana Land Source
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Episode #14 - Ranch Inverstors Podcast released

Ranch Investors Podcast Episode #14

Episode #14 of the Ranch Investors podcast has been released, and is titled "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is.

Don't be "that guy"... without looking across the fence and making value-judgments of our neighbors, Jess Peterson from Western Skies Strategies, eloquently states how you can do more with your ranch investment.

From maximizing your ecological and conservation goals, to actually having a positive community impact around your ranch, as well as what you can do to be part of the bigger picture for the Beef Industry. Key takeaways from this episode should actually be "You Don't Have To Be That Guy." You don't have to lock your gates or try to steamroll your neighbors if there's good community rapport. You don't have to be an absentee "ghostlike" owner who only comes around but twice a year and contributes nothing to your local community or the Beef Industry itself. You don't have to be that guy playing Kevin Costner on Yellowstone while knowing nothing about the communal and ecological impacts of your ranch investment.

Your Hobby/Recreation Ranch can holistically serve multiple purposes, and Jess does a fine job here discussing how you might sincerely approach that issue, even if you only bought it to play dress-up.