Why Ranch Owners Need to Hear this Hospice Doctor's Financial Wisdom | The Ranch Investor Podcast
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Why Ranch Owners Need to Hear this Hospice Doctor's Financial Wisdom

November 6th 2023

Imagine you're the proud owner of a ranch or some other significant asset, and naturally, you start thinking about how it will shape your children's future. You envision it as a tool to make their lives better, a way to give them a head start. But here's the thing – it's a subtle mistake many parents unknowingly make.You see, in today's world, kids often have dreams and ambitions that don't necessarily align with the paths their parents have paved. Sometimes, they aim higher and venture into uncharted territory. So, what should you do?Well, in this enlightening podcast episode, Jordan Grumet is here to guide you on aging gracefully without regrets, both emotionally and financially. He's got plenty of wisdom to share. To keep things grounded, Colter DeVries dives into the realities faced by multi-generational ranching families. Together, they create a vivid picture of how to navigate the delicate balance between preserving family legacies, securing financial stability, and embracing the unpredictable journey of life. It's like having a friendly chat with two experts over coffee, and they've got some great stories and advice to share.It's an episode you should take advantage of. Tune in now!